Exporting traces to Dash0

On this page
  1. Create an API key in the Settings > Auth Tokens section. Generate an auth token
  2. Grab the right endpoint URL for your Dash0 organization from the Settings > Endpoints section. It should look like https://ingress.eu-west-1.aws.dash0.com/v1/traces. Make sure it ends with /v1/traces/
  3. Add the endpoint and the auth token to the Checkly integration settings. The auth token is added as an HTTP header named Authorization with the value of Bearer and your auth token. Fill in the values into Checkly
  4. Observe Spans appearing in Dash0 on the Tracing tab. Traces displayed in Dash0

Find all the details in the Dash0 documentation.

Last updated on March 5, 2025. You can contribute to this documentation by editing this page on Github